TikTok tests AI chatbot ‘Tako’ in the Philippines

December 12, 2023
TikTok tests AI chatbot ‘Tako’ in the Philippines

TikTok is exploring a new chatbot called "Tako" that aims to engage users in conversations about short videos and help them discover content. The social media platform is currently conducting tests with selected users in the Philippines. Tako, represented by a ghost-shaped icon, appears prominently on TikTok's interface and allows users to engage in text-based conversations while watching videos. Unlike OpenAI's ChatGPT, which is a general-purpose chatbot, Tako functions more like a navigation assistant, focused on encouraging users to watch more videos. The chatbot provides answers to questions while also recommending relevant TikTok videos. TikTok has emphasized that Tako is experimental, and responses may not always be accurate. The company is reviewing conversations for safety and advises against sharing private information with the chatbot.

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