Google’s DeepMind hopes Gemini will truly surpass ChatGPT.

December 12, 2023
Google’s DeepMind hopes Gemini will truly surpass ChatGPT.

Google's DeepMind is working on a new AI system called Gemini, which aims to surpass ChatGPT. Gemini integrates the reinforcement learning-based program AlphaGo, known for its success in the game of Go, into a language learning model. By combining AlphaGo's trial-and-error approach with a generative AI's ability to extract and reformulate information, Gemini has the potential to become the most intelligent AI in the world. DeepMind's CEO, Demis Hassabis, believes that if developed correctly, Gemini could be the most beneficial technology for humanity. However, skepticism remains due to concerns about the transferability of AlphaGo's skills and the potential risks of trial-and-error approaches. The development process is expected to take several months and incur a significant cost for Google, but some suggest extending the timeline to address potential issues.

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